Receive AviancaPlus miles and special discounts every time you rent a Hertz car at any participating location worldwide. 


RECEIVE AVIANCAPLUS MILES on all qualifying Hertz rentals*.  Enter your AviancaPlus Membership Number to receive:


 - 50 miles per rental day on all qualifying rentals*


*Rentals on travel industry rates and tour packages, promotional rates, group travel, or insurance/dealer replacement rentals do not qualify to receive miles.


NOTE: To earn miles, AviancaPlus members are required to mention their AviancaPlus Membership Number and the AviancaPlus Discount Code CDP 117049 when making their reservation.


RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AND OTHER BENEFITS**.  Just enter or mention your AviancaPlus Discount Code CDP 117049.


**Refer to your AviancaPlus Frequent Traveler program handbook for details and applicable terms and conditions.



  • Please click on the "Get A Quote...Reserve A Car" button on the top of the screen.
  • To receive miles, discounts and benefits, you must enter your AviancaPlus membership number and the AviancaPlus discount code CDP 117049 when making the reservation.
  • Click here   to contact your local Hertz office.


FOR MORE INFORMATION about the AviancaPlus /Hertz Program, contact your local Avianca office.